Monday, May 16, 2011

Are You Traveling Someone Else’s Journey?

If you are traveling someone else’s journey, you will inevitably head into trouble. Most people are doing just that, at least to some extent. In the ‘civilised’ world of today, there is a great restriction of personal freedom, even in the so called ‘free’ western countries.

Although there is political freedom, to some extent, there is a great amount of judgement. It is almost impossible to come across someone who is genuinely non-judgmental. Almost everyone is very busy critising others. Perhaps in the hope of diverting focus away from themselves.

People are criticised for not being ‘normal’. For example, parents who choose not to vaccinate their child are criticised, usually by people who have not thought out the whole vaccine issue. Those who choose not to vaccinate are invariably those who have thought it out, who have researched, weighed up both sides and made a difficult decision.

An example I recently heard brought it home to me. An avid animal right’s advocate and campaigner recently regaled her story of marrying a vivisector. Gasps from the audience along the lines of ‘how could you’, understandably preceded her story. Although she considered herself a vegetarian, she did eat fish. Her husband-to-be was killing less crustaceans than she ate in a year. So she felt she couldn’t criticise too much.

She went on to become vegan. He let his grant go and moved away from research using animals and became a vegetarian.

Criticising people tends to make them defensive, cementing their habits. By understanding their viewpoint and explaining alternatives is a far more progressive way forward.

Towing the line, blindly doing as your government, religion, family, peer group, even school, etc tell you to, means you are not using your brain. Isn’t that one of the aspects people pride themselves over - the ability to think things through in a rational and logical way, looking at the problem from every conceivable angle? Weighing up all the odds?

If you are a free thinker, criticism goes with the territory. You are shaking the foundations of normality, unsettling those who prefer an obedient mass of people.

Although this may be uncomfortable initially, it is far more healthy for you. To deny your choice, your right to be you, your individuality, will invariably cause you unease and ill health.

To give you an idea of what I mean, consider the phrase “I’m only doing my job”. Within this phrase you are absolving yourself of all responsibility. You can commit genocide and everything that comes before.

I suggest that the world is in such turmoil because people ‘travel someone else’s journey’, don’t take personal responsibility, just follow the herd of humanity - that’s heading straight for a cliff.

You need to ‘find your truth’ and follow this, not just for your sake but for the survival of our planet as well.

The beauty of homeopathic treatment is that it treats you as the unique individual you are. Obviously I can’t vouch for every homeopathic practitioner, but the whole philosophy of homeopathy opens up a student’s mind to a greater, non-judgmental approach to health. When taught properly, homeopathy is a beautiful subject to learn. It opens up possibilities in your life you never knew existed.

I offer Skype/telephone consultations worldwide for both people and animals.

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