The evidence seems to be that the swine flu is little more than an ordinary flu, and reported deaths seem to have been exaggerated, as they were complicated with more serious ailments.
And yet the popular mass seem to have gone into a mad scramble to have an untested vaccine and one which is reported as causing serious health problems, such as Guillian Barre Syndrome.
My feelings are that the universe delivers on what the majority want. I don’t mean that people are asking for bad health. I mean that they are so out of touch with themselves that they don’t understand, or even know about the law of attraction.
As I understand this law, it means that if you constantly say to yourself “I can’t do this”, or “I’m a bad person” or similar, the universe says “OK, if that’s what you want, I’ll make sure you get it.”
Likewise if you think that you can do something, even though you have no idea how you’ll get there, the universe seems to deliver.
The masses have given over their power to doctors. They don’t want to take responsibility for their own actions. They want to keep their less than healthy eating habits and their negative feelings about other people, without realising that ‘medical science’ can’t deliver a pill or a vaccine to take away their ills.
The only way their ills can go is if they take responsibility for their own health. Of their own life.
What are your views on this and on the idea of compulsory vaccination?
Welcome to the world of homeopathy! Homeopathy is a deep, highly effective, natural health modality. However, diet also plays an enormous part in your good health. If you are consistently eating processed and junk food, don't expect homeopathy (or any other health modality) to be that helpful. Many drugs have serious side effects and damage your health badly. Laughter has the potential of curing any health issue. In this blog, I focus on these four areas.