Some women have breast cysts all their lives. The tissue feels lumpy. On it’s own, it’s rarely a problem.
Women who have breast cysts are often subjected to many biopsies. This is very invasive. Couple this with the high level of anxiety that comes with many tests, and you are well on the way to creating a problem for yourself.
The best way to help you is to resolve the breast cysts at an holistic level. This is likely to not only heal the cysts, but to heal your high anxiety, too.
So lets look at a common reason for cysts. They can occur after you have sustained an injury or a trauma to your breasts. Cysts and lumps quite commonly occur after injury, and breast tissue is particularly sensitive, so lumps and cysts would be an expected outcome.
If your cysts started after your breasts were badly hurt in some way, then the homeopathic medicine Bellis perennis will probably completely resolve them and your anxiety.
Bellis perennis is an excellent trauma or injury medicine. If follows the king of injury medicines, Arnica, taking over when it left off.
Apart from healing injury to the breasts, it is also the best medicine after (or before) birth if you feel deeply bruised, after deep abdominal surgery (any, but particularly hysterectomy, D & C or after having an IUD fitted). It is also good for after you start using muscles again, that have been idle for some time. The common picture that comes to mind for that is a seasonal gardener.
Bellis perennis is primarily used for women and the various hormonal traumas, but as it’s a trauma medicine, keep it in mind for any injury that Arnica hasn’t quite managed to complete.
Welcome to the world of homeopathy! Homeopathy is a deep, highly effective, natural health modality. However, diet also plays an enormous part in your good health. If you are consistently eating processed and junk food, don't expect homeopathy (or any other health modality) to be that helpful. Many drugs have serious side effects and damage your health badly. Laughter has the potential of curing any health issue. In this blog, I focus on these four areas.