Monday, July 19, 2010

Mobile/Cell Phone Safety and Protection

There are as many causes for headaches as there are people with headaches. But there are two main reasons for them. They are:
  1. a compromised immune system, which is struggling to do its job
  2. the electromagnetic smog that permeates all our lives in today environment
Important though it is, lets leave your immune system aside for the moment. 

The electromagnetic smog is emitted by all electronic devices to a certain extent, but probably the worse offenders are televisions, computers and mobile or cell phones.

Cell or mobile phones are probably the main culprit for headaches, because the radiation emitted by them is very close to your brain.

Here are some suggestions for dramatically reducing the harm done by these phones.
  • when using it, hold it a couple of millimetres away from your head
  • use the speaker as much as you can
  • use SMS or text as much as you can
  • keep the calls to the bare minimum - use your landline more
  • speak less, listen more - speaking uses more energy so more radiation
  • keep the phone well away from you at all other times (clipping them - at your waist may cause bone damage)
  • NEVER sleep with the phone switched on, within arm’s reach
  • fit a safety device to the ear piece which will dramatically reduce the radiation

The device I use is the Wave Shield.

If you live in Australia, then you can purchase them from me here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Madeleine, Like the new outlay - it looks great. Great article about the electro magnetic pulses. I agree. We use a salt lamp which is supposed to help dissipate them. I also loved the discussion about 'earthing', and this runs along similar lines to 'nature therapy'. Cheers Jo.
